
Which foods stain teeth and how do we prevent that?

Which foods stain teeth and how do we prevent that?

There are many other foods and drinks that can cause staining or discoloration of your teeth. 

Teeth were never meant to be totally white. The natural colour is light yellow. However, with age, the teeth tend to get darker in colour. This is because, with constant wear and tear, your teeth’s enamel tends to erode and develop cracks. In addition to this, the enamel is extremely porous and tends to absorb the food colour even when there are no cracks.

Food contains components called ‘tannins’ that make the colour stick to your enamel. Stains also tend to attach to the plaque and tartar build-up on and between the teeth.


Let’s look at what food types cause stains on teeth.

Morning beverages – Ever thought something you loved so much could betray you? Well, you’re in for a shock. Your morning beverage, coffee or tea, could be one of the causes behind your teeth losing their colour. Coffee contains tannins, a chemical compound called polyphenol, that makes colours stick to the enamel.

Wine –Wine roughens the teeth’s enamel and opens the pores. The rough surface, with the now larger surface area, increases the risk of staining, especially if it is red wine.

Energy drinks and sports juices – These drinks are notorious for corroding the enamel and causing stains. This is more with energy drinks since they are more acidic than sports juices.

Food with tomatoes in them – Tomatoes are acidic in nature. So, they will make your enamel rougher and cause staining. Always rinse your mouth immediately after consuming anything with tomatoes in them.

Sweets and candy – Hard-boiled sweets with food colouring in them have dyes that can permanently leave stains on your teeth. However, other types of sweets and candies only cause mild stains.

Berries – Berries have dark pigments that leave a mark when consumed, either in fruit form or juice.

Balsamic Vinegar – Balsamic vinegar is acidic and darkly pigmented. Both of these are traits that cause staining.

Starchy foods – Bacteria love starchy foods. They will break down the food caught between or on the teeth into sugars that will cause the erosion of the enamel, thus paving way for staining.


Some other foods that can also cause staining are

  • Soy sauce
  • Fruits like Pomegranates, and purple grapes
  • Beetroot
  • Citric fruits
  • Soda

Other reasons for staining are

  • Tobacco
  • Some medications
  • Beetroot
  • Infections
  • Trauma to the tooth

Now that you know what causes stains, here’s how you can prevent them

  • Use a straw as much as possible for your drinks
  • Brush or at least rinse your mouth after consuming food that stains
  • Stop using tobacco
  • Floss regularly
  • Ensure that there is no plaque build-up on or in between your teeth
  • Use an electric toothbrush to remove plaque and ensure that there isn’t any at any given point
  • Visit the dentist every six months for a routine check-up and make sure that there aren’t any problems
  • Get a routine teeth cleaning and polishing service done by your dentist every 6 months

To book your appointment call +91 9144544454 or visit


Oral hygiene tips that will keep you smiling for a lifetime

Oral hygiene tips that will keep you smiling for a lifetime

Yes, it is possible to maintain your teeth for a lifetime..

The mouth is the window to your whole body. Good oral health translates to overall health. Poor oral health has a significant impact on your entire body, including your heart, and pregnancy, and can cause diabetes, and chronic inflammation like arthritis as well!

Brushing, flossing, and practicing oral hygiene diligently, keep the bacteria in control, and protects your mouth. However, without proper oral hygiene, bacteria levels could increase and cause tooth decay and gum damage.

Following good oral hygiene is directly connected to staying healthy and preventing the development of many diseases. For example, some studies show that inflammation in the mouth, most probably in the gums, can contribute to other diseases.


Here are some health problems that are linked directly to your oral health

  • Cardiovascular diseases – Some studies suggest that heart diseases, clogged arteries, and even stroke, are caused by oral bacteria.
  • Complications in pregnancy and birth – Periodontitis can cause premature birth.
  • Endocarditis – Germs in your mouth or other parts of your body travel through your bloodstream and settle in the inner lining of your heart.

To avoid these diseases and other health complications, here are some tips you can follow to protect your health.

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day
  • Do not brush too hard or with salt or charcoal powder as they may wear off the enamel
  • Brush with up and down motions, as well as sweeping and slanting motions to ensure that you push the food debris away from the teeth
  • Rinse your mouth properly after you eat any food or drink anything.
  • Visit your dentist every six months and get a professional teeth cleaning service done. This will help your dentist ensure and eliminate any underlying problems and keep your teeth clean and healthy.,
  • Avoid frequent snacking or snacking in between meals. This is because frequent snacking is one of the major contributors to enamel erosion and cavities.
  • Avoid or limit the intake of sugar since sugar increases the bacteria levels in your mouth, resulting in decay and cavities.
  • Avoid or limit the intake of sticky food items like bread pizzas, and pastries which are highly sticky and provide the perfect environment for bacteria and for food particles to accumulate and cause dental issues.
  • Drink water frequently for good salivation so that saliva can wash out the food remnants and avoid bad breath.

To book your appointment call +91 9144544454 or visit


5 tips to maintain your kid’s oral health

5 tips to maintain your kid’s oral health

Dental health in kids is a must, and there is no better time to instill a healthy routine, than when they are young. 

While you make appointments for your baby’s overall physical health, you should also not forget to get a dentist to check out your child’s teeth.

Good dental health is not just about keeping teeth clean. It involves maintaining the gums, cheeks, soft tissues, palate, lips, and jaws. It is never too early to start caring for your oral health.

While taking care of your dental health is a job for a lifetime, getting kids started early helps lay a foundation for good habits.

Protecting your child’s teeth today will prevent problems in the future.


Here are some tips to take care of your kid’s teeth.

Don’t feed your kid milk before bedtime
The natural sugars in the milk contribute to baby tooth decay. This is especially more during the night when the baby’s saliva production decreases when they sleep. However, if you do have to give milk to your kid before bedtime, make them drink water and wipe their teeth and/or gums with a damp cloth to remove milk residue.


Don’t encourage the use of pacifiers
While many parents consider pacifiers as god-send, pacifiers can do more harm than good. Using a pacifier continuously can make the growing teeth misaligned and create problems in the future.


It is never too early to brush
Start your kids young when it comes to brushing. While this may seem odd when they don’t even have teeth, you can use a soft cloth to wipe their gums every morning and at night before sleep. This will help establish a good oral care routine. Once their teeth emerge, you can switch to a soft toothbrush.


Feed your children a healthy diet
A diet that predominantly consists of sugars will increase the chances of tooth decay. Ensure that you feed your children food that is high in fibre, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, etc. Ensure that you include fluorine in the diet. Fluorine is an important mineral that helps strengthen the teeth.


Schedule Dental visits
Schedule dental visits with a paediatric dentist every six months for your children to prevent cavities and decay. Ensure that you follow all the instructions provided by the dentist.

With these tips, your child will have strong and healthy teeth, that will lay the foundation for a lifetime of good health well into adulthood.


To book your appointment call +91 9144544454 or visit


Dental myths debunked: Uncover the truth about your teeth!

Dental myths debunked: Uncover the truth about your teeth!

Being able to identify the difference between popular misconceptions and scientifically proven facts can help maintain the quality of your oral health and overall well-being. 

How do you know which is fact and which is fiction when it comes to taking care of your dental health? While some myths may be harmless, some could be dangerous to your health.

In this blog, we are busting myths about oral health and bringing you the correct way to treat your teeth and gums.


Bleeding Gums Are Normal – If your gums bleed while brushing or flossing, it is due to inflammation. The inflammation could be caused due to excessive plaque build-up, the onset of gingivitis, or any other gum disease. You must contact your dentist because of this.


Fluoridated water isn’t good for you – Fluoridated drinking water helps with preventing tooth caries or decay. Fluoridation is not known to cause any harm to babies or anyone for that matter.


Whitening damages your teeth – Most whitening techniques are considered safe these days, if it is done under the supervision of a dental professional or if you follow the instructions given by your dentist if you are doing the teeth whitening at home.

However, if you don’t follow the instructions, you will end up causing damage to your teeth.


Braces are just for kids – While more children than adults wear braces, it is not uncommon for adults to go through corrective dental treatment. However, instead of the obvious metal wires, adults opt for discreet plastic aligners that are not obvious and can be removed while eating, speaking, and brushing teeth.


You only need to go for a dental check-up if you have a problem – It is good to get a dentist to check your teeth even if there isn’t any problem. These check-ups will help the dentists to assess your oral health and determine if there are any potential problems they will have to take care of immediately.


The harder you brush your teeth, the cleaner they’ll be – Brushing your teeth too hard may cause more harm than good. The protective layer of your enamel could get eroded, and your gums can get worn down and even recede.

Dentists advise you to use a soft bristle brush and not apply too much pressure because brushing hard is not equal to cleaner teeth.


Gum disease only affects your mouth – Yes, your gums are in your mouth, but your mouth is the gateway to your body. So, any issues in your gums or any other part of your mouth can lead to problems elsewhere. For example, gum disease can lead to heart conditions and sometimes, even cancer.

Charcoal toothpaste is better for your teeth – While charcoal in tooth products have been trending, it is more important to ensure that your toothpaste has fluoride in it. Brushing with charcoal may be harmful to your teeth. Most charcoal toothpaste don’t contain fluoride in them.


No need to brush baby teeth – It is good to start your kids young when it comes to dental health. Learn the correct brushing techniques for your kid and teach them. Brushing twice a day prevents the build-up of plaque, and reduces the risk of decay, and gum disease.


Only sugar causes tooth decay – Eating too much sugar does cause decay but that is not the only cause of decay. Incorrect or the lack of brushing or flossing may also cause it. Also, starchy foods containing carbohydrates cause plaque to form, thus leading to cavities and decay.


To book your appointment call +91 9144544454 or visit


The comprehensive guide to dentures

The comprehensive guide to dentures

Replacing missing teeth can be an expensive but worthwhile investment.

Dentures are removable appliances that look like and replace missing teeth. It doesn’t matter if the person has lost one, a few, or all of their teeth, dentures can help. Dentures are not only for the elderly.

Sometimes, younger people also require teeth replacement for various reasons. The person could have lost their tooth due to old age, gum disease, and/or tooth decay, and replacing these teeth can significantly benefit your health and your lifestyle


How do dentures help?

Dentures allow you to speak properly – It is difficult to be articulate when you are missing a few teeth. It gets worse as more teeth are missing. With dentures, speech is clearer. While it may take some time to get used to the dentures, once you do, you will be able to speak well.


Helps you eat – Not being able to eat your favourite is something no one should go through. Dentures will help you chew your food easily. Dentists recommend you start with soft foods.


Gives you a healthy smile – With a well-made set of dentures, no one will even know that you are wearing dentures.


Improves your appearance – Lack of teeth makes your face go droopy. Dentures help give a facial structure.


Boosts your confidence and self-esteem – Good teeth always make a person confident. So, dentures help you smile to your fullest. Dentures these days also are tight fitting, so people needn’t worry about the dentures slipping off mid-conversation or mid-meal.


Types of dentures

Yes, there are different types of dentures. The end goal of dentures is to closely resemble natural teeth and help you get your life back. For this, dentures are customized to your lifestyle, requirements, and oral health.

The two different types of dentures are


Complete dentures

Anyone with a full set of missing teeth, upper or lower jaw or both will be recommended to use complete dentures.

Complete dentures come in two forms

  • Conventional
  • Biofunctional Prosthetic System Dentures

Removable Partial Dentures

These types of dentures are used when one or more natural teeth remain attached to the jaw.

Removable Partial Dentures come in two forms

  • Acrylic
  • Flexible

Take good care of your dentures

Just like your teeth, you should take care of your dentures, if not more. The constant cleaning and maintenance of your dentures will keep the dentures clean and removes the food particles and other stains.

Here are some ways to take care of your dentures.

  • Don’t forget to rinse your dentures to remove any loose food particles.
  • When brushing your denture, use a soft bristle brush and a cleanser given to you by your dentist.
  • Always remove your dentures at night and keep them in water and the water should be covered

To book your appointment call +91 9144544454 or visit


Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Teeth Whitening Appointment

Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Teeth Whitening Appointment

Everything You Need to Know Before Your First Teeth Whitening Appointment

Is having discoloured teeth making you feel self-conscious and stopping you from flashing your beautiful smile? Don’t hold back anymore – teeth whitening treatments are a quick and convenient way to get pearly whites and achieve that brighter smile.

While certain foods and drinks can easily stain your teeth, there are many other reasons why your teeth may appear yellow or discoloured. With age, teeth tend to lose their brightness. Poor dental hygiene, medication, and tobacco can also cause discoloured teeth.

Today, teeth whitening treatments and procedures are commonplace. For teeth whitening at home, try whitening strips or gels, or whitening toothpaste. Also avoid foods that damage teeth, like processed foods with high acid levels, and beverages like coffee, tea, and red wine that ruin the enamel. Over the counter and home teeth whitening methods take longer than professional treatments.

Many dentists offer cosmetic teeth whitening services. With in-clinic treatments, patients can achieve up to 3-4 shades lighter. However, before you get your first whitening treatment, here are a few steps to maximize results.

Schedule a Dental Check-Up

If you are considering getting your teeth whitened, see your dentist first to check if you are an ideal candidate. There are factors that could disqualify you from receiving a whitening treatment:


  • You are under 16 years old
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • You are allergic to whitening ingredients
  • You have a periodontal disease such as gingivitis, tooth decay, or gum disease

If you have veneers or dental implants, you will need to discuss options with your dentist. Your dentist will evaluate your overall dental health and needs before recommending a whitening treatment.


Get Your Teeth Cleaned

It’s recommended to have your dentist clean your teeth before the whitening treatment.  Removing dental plaque or tartar will help improve the results of the treatment. Eliminating any buildup will help your teeth absorb the whitening products better and evenly. It’s also important to maintain good dental care before the treatment with daily brushing and flossing.


Desensitize Teeth

A common side-effect of teeth whitening treatment is temporary gum and teeth sensitivity. If you are prone to sensitivity, you might want to consider using desensitizing toothpaste for at least two weeks before your whitening treatment. This can help reduce the discomfort after the procedure as this type of toothpaste helps block the transmission of pain signals from the tooth to the nerve. However, if you have extremely sensitive teeth and are worried that you may experience pain during the treatment, discuss with your dentist about using a pain reliever. 


Determine Your Shade

Use a shade guide to determine what shade of white you’d like to achieve. You don’t want your bright smile to look unnaturally white. Compare your goal shade to the current shade of your teeth. Consult with your dentist if you aren’t sure what should be your goal shade. You can use your goal shade to verify whether you have achieved the desired results with the treatment.


Invest in Your Smile

Having a bright, white smile can give you a real confidence boost. If your pearly whites are a little lacklustre, consider consulting with your dentist for teeth whitening services. It’s an effective and safe way to whiten your teeth. Your dentist will also tell you how to care for your smile after your treatment, ensuring that your teeth stay white for longer.

At Risio, we’d love to get you the healthy smile you’ve always wanted.  Schedule an appointment online at to discuss the options available to whiten your teeth professionally.