
3 Ways to Keep Your Breath Fresh, Every Minute of the Day!

3 Ways to Keep Your Breath Fresh, Every Minute of the Day!

Keeping your breath fresh can feel like a constant struggle. Eating habits, personal hygiene and genetics all play a role in whether your breath is minty or foul. Thankfully, there are some simple ways to combat bad breath every day.

If you’re reading this article because you’ve recently been informed that you have bad breath, then we’re happy to help!

Read on for more information on what causes bad breath and how to fix it. Keep reading to learn about three quick and easy ways to keep your breath as fresh as possible:


Brush and Floss, Twice a Day

Many people believe brushing their teeth twice a day is sufficient, but it really isn’t. Brushing your teeth is about removing dental plaque and bacteria, whereas flossing removes any food particles between your teeth. It is vital to improve your eating and personal hygiene habits to ensure you have fresh breath.

If you brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day, brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth, and floss once a day to get rid of food particles that cause bad breath, you’ll be fine. You’ll also remove bacteria from your teeth by brushing your tongue.


Drink More Water

  • We know, we know. You’ve probably heard it a thousand times before, but it’s true. Drinking water and staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your body, especially your mouth.
  • Water naturally cleanses your mouth of bacteria, food particles and other things that could lead to bad breath. You don’t have to drink 8 glasses of water per day to see benefits, but you should be drinking enough to stay hydrated.If you notice that your breath smells bad or tastes funky, try increasing your water intake.
  • If you really want to do a deep clean of your mouth, try baking soda mouthwash. It’s surprisingly effective and safe for daily use.
  • Baking soda is a natural antiseptic and can kill bacteria in your mouth. It’s also a natural whitener, so it can help clean your teeth and remove stains. Plus, it’s super cheap and easy to find.


Chew on Some Fresh Breath Treats

No, we aren’t suggesting that you start a new habit of chewing people’s ears off. We’re talking about chewing gum! Chewing gum can help freshen your breath by removing some of the bacteria in your mouth and replacing it with a minty flavor. It also stimulates your salivary glands, which makes you produce more saliva. Saliva naturally cleanses your mouth and helps wash away food particles that could cause bad breath.

While this isn’t a permanent solution, chewing gum whenever you have bad breath is a great way to get rid of it quickly. Choose a gum that contains Xylitol, a natural sweetener that actually helps prevent bad breath. While sugar-free gum isn’t a bad thing, it doesn’t actually do anything to help clean your mouth. Xylitol actually kills the bacteria in your mouth that causes bad breath.



Keeping your breath fresh is important, especially in social situations. While it’s normal to have bad breath now and then, it’s not normal to have bad breath all the time. If you’re struggling with bad breath, try out these 3 helpful tips.

Brush and floss your teeth twice a day, drink more water and chew on some fresh breath treats. Keep these tips in mind and you’ll have fresh breath in no time.


The convenience of a dentist appointment at your home is just one click away! Risio provides everything you need to maintain oral health with their online appointments, including safety and comfort.


To book your appointment call +91 9144544454 or contact us


How to Care for Your Dental Health During Pregnancy

How to Care for Your Dental Health During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a challenging time for a woman’s body as it goes through major changes. Some common physical symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and weight gain are accompanied by some more hidden side effects like mental challenges.

When you become pregnant, an increase in hormone estrogen leads to gingivitis (red and bleeding gums) as well as an increase in plaque which can lead to an accelerated loss of teeth if left untreated. If combined with an unhealthy diet rich in sugary snacks or soda, these conditions can deteriorate even faster. As a result, managing your dental hygiene during pregnancy becomes even more important than ever before.


What to Expect When You’re Pregnant

When you’re pregnant, you’ll experience some common but very uncomfortable symptoms. While these side effects are not harmful per se, they can put a lot of stress on your body and even lead to some long-term complications. Let’s have a look at some of the most common ones –

Swollen and Sore Joints – The growing foetus inside you will put a lot of pressure on your joints. At some point during the pregnancy, you’ll experience a tingling sensation in your joints. This is natural and is caused by the growing fetus putting pressure on the surrounding tissues.

Varicose Veins – As the blood flows to your baby and back to your heart, it may get temporarily trapped in your veins. The veins most commonly affected are the ones in your legs (i.e. varicose veins). Varicose veins are large, twisted veins that are often blue or purple in color.

Swollen Feet and Ankles – The growing uterus will press against your blood vessels and the nearby tissues, which results in swelling in the ankles, feet, hands, and fingers. As the pregnancy progresses, this swelling may progress upward towards the knees.

Shortness of Breath – The growing uterus puts pressure on your diaphragm. As a result, you may feel short of breath at times. This is commonly seen in the first trimester as well as in the last trimester.


Maintaining Good Oral Health During Pregnancy

  • Maintain proper oral hygiene routine to combat gingivitis
  • Brush teeth twice a day, floss, and use interdental brushes
  • Gentle on gums, soft bristled brush recommended
  • Don’t brush too hard or too frequently

This is because you are more susceptible to dental issues during this time. You can choose to change your dental hygiene routine slightly during this period. Instead of using mouthwash, you can use a fluoride-free toothpaste, as mouthwash is not recommended for pregnant women.

You can also switch to whitening toothpaste or a desensitizing toothpaste if you are experiencing tooth sensitivity during pregnancy. As a pregnant woman, you should be extra careful about what you put in your mouth. Tobacco, alcohol, and a lot of carbonated soft drinks are harmful for dental health.These can cause additional damage during pregnancy.


Tips to Help You Care for Your Teeth During Pregnancy

Eat Right – A healthy and balanced diet is important during pregnancy. You can eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and beans. You should not eat too much junk food as they are high in sugar and low in nutrients.

Brush your teeth twice a day – Brush your teeth twice a day, first thing in the morning and before bed. This will prevent bacteria from accumulating on your teeth and gums, preventing tooth decay and gum disease.

Avoid Alcohol, Tobacco, and sugary drinks – Alcohol, tobacco, and sugary drinks are harmful to dental health. They can damage teeth, causing stains, tooth and gum sensitivity, gum disease, and cavities.

On Going to the Dentist During Pregnancy

It’s important to see the dentist throughout pregnancy in order to maintain dental health. Even if your oral health is fine and you don’t feel any dental issues, regular dental check-ups and cleanings are important. During pregnancy, your gums are more susceptible to illness, so it’s important to get regular dental examinations and cleanings. You can monitor your oral health and receive guidance on oral hygiene from your dentist.

During your initial exam, your teeth will be checked for cavities, gum disease, and other dental issues. In addition, the dentist will take an X-ray of your teeth to see if you have any cavities or broken teeth. The dentist will also discuss prenatal vitamins with you, as they are rich in folic acid. The majority of dental problems can be handled with a few dental procedures like filling a cavity or applying a sealant.



The increased estrogen levels during pregnancy lead to gingivitis, a form of periodontal disease. This is a very common condition that you should be aware of as a pregnant woman. It is important to maintain a healthy oral hygiene routine, especially during pregnancy.

You can eat the right foods, brush twice a day, and visit the dentist regularly to keep your mouth healthy. This will also ensure that you have healthy teeth for the rest of your life.


The convenience of a dentist appointment at your home is just one click away! Risio provides everything you need to maintain oral health with their online appointments, including safety and comfort.


To book your appointment call +91 9144544454 or contact us


The Best Time to Start Brushing and Flossing Your Child’s Teeth

The Best Time to Start Brushing and Flossing Your Child’s Teeth

It can seem like your child needs to grasp only a few more things before kindergarten, given all the things he or she is learning at any given moment. If you have not begun to establish healthy dental habits with your child just yet, don’t worry: You still have plenty of time. Here are some pointers for helping your youngster begin brushing and flossing in the right way.

There is a lot going on in a child’s life, so it can be difficult to find time for everything. Oral hygiene is an important element of child development. It’s vital to establish healthy dental habits early on in life in order to promote good oral health both now and in the future. Consistent brushing and flossing from an early age will establish a strong foundation for the rest of their lives.

While it may seem as though your child is learning a lot at any given moment, there are still plenty of things they still need to learn before kindergarten. If you haven’t begun the journey to good dental health with your child yet, don’t fret—there’s still a lot of time. Here are some pointers to help your child establish good dental hygiene habits from the beginning.


It’s never too early to get a head start on life.

Having a child start on the right oral hygiene track as soon as possible is contingent on starting them on the right track as early as possible. Setting up your children with the proper habits at the proper time will enable you to make brushing and flossing a family habit in no time. If your child is younger than three years old, you do not need to brush their teeth. You may still begin early, though. Brushing can be a regular aspect of your child’s life from an early age, making it easier for them to acquire the proper habits as they get older.


Having a brush.

It’s crucial that your child comprehends the significance of brushing. You must create a favorable association with the task and encourage them to take part early on. Rather than pressuring your child to brush independently, make it a family activity. Brush alongside your child and use brushing as a chance to inform them about oral health. If you have several children, rotate who brushes with you every day. By brushing with everyone, you’ll learn about brushing, and you won’t be forced to brush with the same child every day.


It’s important to make learning enjoyable.

You should attempt to create a favorable association with brushing as soon as possible. To make the procedure enjoyable, don’t simply take out the toothbrush and hope your child understands. If your child is old enough to comprehend the concept of make-believe, you may utilize it to your benefit. Make brushing a game, using a make-believe toothbrush, toothpaste, and everything else your child needs to make the concept real.


When teaching brushing and flossing techniques, be sure to vary your approach.

When your child learns more about brushing and flossing, you can alter your technique accordingly. Brushing and flossing at the start: You can brush alongside your child, using a very gentle motion at first. As time passes, you may gradually increase the pressure and improve the brushing process, but do not rush. Pushing too hard too soon may result in the opposite effect, teaching your child the wrong technique. If your child begins brushing on their own, make sure to still supervise and offer assistance if necessary.


It’s important to get a quality toothbrush and to brush your teeth at the right times.

Keeping your kid’s teeth clean and healthy is a critical aspect of brushing, so you must choose the correct kind of toothbrush. Select a low-bristled toothbrush for brushing your child’s teeth. A kid’s teeth and gums are still growing and developing, so you should brush carefully. Although brushing too much can damage your child’s teeth, you should not brush for too long. Brush for two minutes at a time (with 30 additional seconds for children who are very young). It is sufficient to clean your child’s teeth thoroughly without brushing too much. As your child grows, encourage them to brush for the entire two minutes.


Put a flossing tool in their hands as early as possible.

It’s vitally important for your child to grasp how critical flossing is as soon as possible, so you should start teaching them as early as three years old if they’re old enough. If you have an adequate dental flossing tool, you may start as early as three years old. Choose an instrument that your youngster can operate effectively, whether it’s a dental flossing pick or a regular piece of dental floss.


It’s imperative to begin young!

Brushing and flossing are the cornerstones of good oral hygiene, and they are truly lifesaving. These habits can prevent gingivitis, cavities, and other health problems. If your child needs a little extra encouragement to brush and floss, you can use these tips. Your child is learning so many things at any given moment that it might feel as if there are only a few things left to learn before kindergarten. However, don’t delay in introducing your child to brushing and flossing. Start early and make the process smoother and easier for everyone.


The convenience of a dentist appointment at your home is just one click away! Risio provides everything you need to maintain oral health with their online appointments, including safety and comfort.


To book your appointment call +91 9144544454 or contact us


Does Charcoal Toothpaste Work? The Research Says…

Does Charcoal Toothpaste Work? The Research Says…

Did you know that activated charcoal has so many uses? It’s used in water filters, operating rooms, and even toothpaste. But is activated charcoal good for teeth? Does it have any benefits or will it just be another weird thing that you put in your mouth once a day? Keep reading to find out!


‍What is activated charcoal?

Activated charcoal is a type of carbon that has been processed to make it much more porous and potent. It’s often used in emergency rooms to treat poisonings, stomach complaints, and digestive issues because it’s thought to be able to bind with toxins and help the body to excrete them. It’s also thought that activated charcoal can help to whiten and clean teeth.

There are a couple of theories as to how activated charcoal might benefit the teeth and gums. One suggestion is that the charcoal binds with bacteria that causes plaque and gum disease and helps to remove it from the teeth. Another theory is that the porous texture of the charcoal acts to clean the teeth and trap food debris.


Would using charcoal toothpaste help whiten your teeth?

Theoretically, yes. When you use activated charcoal toothpaste, it will help to remove stains from your teeth. The activated charcoal acts as a stain remover, which is why it’s used in some commercial teeth whiteners. While activated charcoal will clean your teeth, toothpaste is much more effective at removing plaque and killing bacteria. So using activated charcoal toothpaste on its own isn’t a good idea. A better way to use it is to add it to your normal toothpaste.


Benefits of activated charcoal for teeth

There are a number of different ways that activated charcoal can help your teeth and gums. – It can remove stains from teeth. This is activated charcoal’s main function when it comes to teeth. It’s thought that the porous texture of the charcoal binds with stains and removes them from the teeth. Find out which foods stain teeth and how do we prevent that? This effect is enhanced when the charcoal is mixed with a toothpaste. – It can fight bacteria. The porous texture of the charcoal is perfect for trapping bacteria. This means that it can help to prevent plaque and gum disease. 


Is activated charcoal safe?

Activated charcoal has numerous health benefits and uses. It’s able to bind with toxins and bacteria and remove them from the body. While it’s great for your teeth, it’s not so good for your kidneys. Large amounts of activated charcoal can build up in your organs and cause damage. The recommended dose of activated charcoal is no more than one teaspoon per day.

As a result, you might be wondering if you can use activated charcoal as toothpaste instead. The answer is yes, you can use activated charcoal to brush your teeth. Just mix it with some toothpaste and you should be good to go.


The downside of using charcoal toothpaste

Activated charcoal can be a great addition to your oral hygiene routine if used correctly. But there are a few things you need to be careful about when using it.


It might be messy.

Activated charcoal is likely to end up all over the place, so you may want to clean the sink after cleaning your teeth.


It might be hard to remove stains.

Although activated charcoal is effective at removing stains, some teeth whitening toothpastes aren’t guaranteed to work on every surface.


It might be too abrasive.

Activated charcoal is great for cleaning teeth, but it can be too abrasive and damage the enamel. Be more careful with activated charcoal than with regular toothpaste.


Can you just use activated charcoal instead of regular toothpaste?

Activated charcoal can help clean your teeth, but it’s not as effective as regular toothpaste. This is because regular toothpaste contains fluoride, which helps to kill bacteria. For the best results, use both regular toothpaste and activated charcoal.


Should you try it?

Activated charcoal is a great ingredient for toothpaste because it’s able to remove stains, fight bacteria, and bind with toxins. It’s important that you use activated charcoal toothpaste carefully, though. You don’t want to eat too much of the stuff and risk damaging your kidneys. Instead, use activated charcoal as part of a regular teeth cleaning routine.


The convenience of a dentist appointment at your home is just one click away! Risio provides everything you need to maintain oral health with their online appointments, including safety and comfort.

To book your appointment call +91 9144544454 or contact us